Friday, June 16, 2006

Look Out!!!!

Between car accidents and getting pregnant, all women beware!!! I have another friend who was in a car accident on Wednesday!! And everyone I know (almost) is pregnant!! Let's keep our fingers crossed Judy that they don't go hand-in-hand!!!! Wait...I better reiterate that....I'm not pregnant.

This whole week has been terrible though. I have just plain felt like crap. This morning I had a fever...a lovely way to start a work day. I made it though, somehow. We're going to get the pix of the car developed today, so I should be able to put them up tonight.

This weekend is going to be icky too. Tomorrow Chris has to work 8am-4pm, so I have to wake up and take him to work so that I can go to Chinese bookstudy at 9am ,and then out in Chinese service until who knows when, then pick him up, then go to Mom and Dad's. We are going to spend the night there, go to their meeting, and then it's off to Athens!! We have a friend down there who has a dealer's license and is going to let us borrow a car for a while. Then we get to go back to Columbus......the whole weekend.....just completely gone. At least we'll get to see people we haven't seen in a while. But I must say.....I would much rather just lay on the couch and sleep!!! (No offense).

This is a long post. I need to shut up now. Thanks for listening!


Anonymous said...

i love you!

Unknown said...

Great Now I have to watch out for car accidents and cruises!!!

Anonymous said...

Look at it this way, you've just made my days and weekend sound SO much better!
Now that I've seen the car I am scared all over again for you, and I wonder how you weren't hurt worse that you are.
Love you, Gram

Eryan said...

guess what?? I'm pregnant and was in a car accident. I think they do go hand in hand!!