Thursday, June 22, 2006

At Least I Get to Go to the Doctor.....

Even though we don't have health insurance, luckily our auto insurance covers any medical costs caused from the accident. I got a coupon in the mail for a free consultation, 10 min massage, and xrays for a chiroprator, so I jumped on that. I went yesterday for the consultation. He said that I have a couple of ribs out of place (not dislocated, just not where they should be), and that I have about 3-4 vertebrae out of place in my neck. On of those is pushing on a nerve in my shoulder, which is making my arm go numb. Another is pushing on a nerve that is giving me headaches. So I have an appointment to go back today to look at the xrays he took of my neck and to get an alignment....HOORAY!!!!! I'm so excited!!

It was funny though because he had me lay on my back and he crossed one of my legs over the other and kinda lifted it at the same time (if that made any sense) and asked if it caused any discomfort in my lower back. I told him no, but that it made the foot on my straight leg go numb. His reaction was hilarious!!! He had this look like, 'oh, no!' and he looks at me and he says, "really..." real serious. I laughed alittle and told him that I had been have problems with my sciatic. So hopefully while he twisting me very which way he can take care of that too.

Well, that's about as exciting as it gets right now. Later.

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