Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Same Ole....

So I figured now that it's been over a month since my last post it's time to put something on here. There's really nothing new going on right now. We're still in the class, and getting ready to start the Revelation book in Chinese, so that should be very interesting. Right now we are trying to get a house. We have picked out about six houses that we were supposed to look at last Sunday, but our realitor was sick (of course!!!) so we are going this Sunday. Hopefully that should all work out for us. It won't be anything fancy, but it will be a place where we won't have to listen to our downstairs neighbor beat on his girl (just our next door ones!!) The bucks lost and that really really sucks, but we still beat Michigan and got the Heisman so it was still a good season. Besides, the way they played we didn't deserve to win. (Except for FL 2nd t.d. when the kids knee was CLEARLY on the ground!!!!) But anyway, it really is the same old here, but we will keep you updated on the housing situation.


Eryan said...

It's about time!!

Anonymous said...

glad to read your still alive of course if you'd return my message i could talk to you!! :-)

Bella said...

This week did stink for buckeye fans. Hope ya'll are having fun with Chinese!!!! That is really something! And the Revelation book in Chinese! I hope Jah. blesses ya'll 14 million times over! LOL Luv ya chica!